Ann Darling is the Senior Associate Dean, Office of Undergraduate Studies and an associate professor of the Department Communication at the University of Utah. She served as chair of the department for 9 years. Darling began her academic career at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Her research interests include classroom communication patterns and, most recently, how communication pedagogy intersects with issues of social justice. She served as Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and as the Center’s Interim Director. Other professional activities include Chair, Presidential Task Force on Media Education, University of Utah; Member, Tanner Lectures on Human Values, University of Utah; 2002-2005 Associate Editor for Communication Education, President, Northwest Communication Association. She received the University of Utah Distinguished Teaching Award in 2002. She is also the 2004 recipient of a $1.1 million William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grant for her research work in improving education communication in engineering. Darling is also a UW Excellence in Teaching Award recipient (1987). She is Co-Chair for the University Neighbors Partnership Board.