Study abroad programs are life-changing experiences.
The Department of Communication has two study abroad opportunities: In Rome and in León, Spain. These popular The Department of Communication has two study abroad opportunities in many years: In Rome and in León, Spain. These popular programs attract students across campus. Please watch the Department’s social media and website for updates.
COM Study Abroad returns to Spain in Fall 2024 – Learn more about the Spain Program on this linked page along with important dates.

You can also learn more on the university’s central Study Abroad page.

Stories from Study Abroad
In Spring 2022, the Communication Spain study abroad program returned to the UW Leon Center after a two-year hiatus. The 10-week trip coincided with Semana Santa, the Holy Week dedicated to the Catholic Passion of Jesus Christ. Associate Teaching Professor Andrea Otáñez’s students wrote about the experience as part of her COM 464: Writing with Voice class. The linked pieces below are a sample of what the group experienced after witnessing the centuries-old penitente processions.