Study abroad programs are life-changing experiences.

The Department of Communication has two study abroad opportunities: In Rome and in León, Spain. These popular The Department of Communication has two study abroad opportunities in many years: In Rome and in León, Spain. These popular programs attract students across campus.  Please watch the Department’s social media and website for updates.

COM Study Abroad returns to Spain in Fall 2024Learn more about the Spain Program on this linked page along with important dates.

See what’s in store for you at the UW León Center

You can also learn more on the university’s central Study Abroad page.

Students posing in a group photo
Students at Piazza Navona in Rome, 2018

Stories from Study Abroad

In Spring 2022, the Communication Spain study abroad program returned to the UW Leon Center after a two-year hiatus. The 10-week trip coincided with Semana Santa, the Holy Week dedicated to the Catholic Passion of Jesus Christ. Associate Teaching Professor Andrea Otáñez’s students wrote about the experience as part of her COM 464: Writing with Voice class. The linked pieces below are a sample of what the group experienced after witnessing the centuries-old penitente processions.

UW Communication student gains valuable experience abroad in ¡SpainWorks! program

The term “study abroad” can sometimes evoke vacation mode, a fun opportunity to earn credits while exploring a different culture. However, for rising senior Skylar Strotz (Communication, Sociology) it also meant completing a challenging yet rewarding communications internship, all in a foreign language. Strotz is among the first students selected for UW’s new ¡SpainWorks! internship … Read More

Finding peace in Semana Santa

Essay and photos by Daniela Lopez ALICANTE, Spain–It’s 6:48 p.m. on Viernes Santo and the streets start to come alive. The main roads are closed and its edges are lined with thousands of chairs to accommodate the VIP guests, including the grandmas and grandpas who have saved their spot for the procession since 5 p.m. … Read More

Mala beads, a rosary, and little nazarenos

Essay ahd photos by Kayla Pezolano LEÓN, Spain– When I first arrived in León and began to travel around the presence of the Catholic Church was intimidating. Being raised in a traditional American Catholic family I had my own reservations as I no longer practice the religion, although I tried to withhold my bias while … Read More

Three Spanish cities during Semana Santa

Essay and photos by Nivedita Joshi LEÓN, Spain–I had the pleasure of witnessing the processions of Semana Santa in three cities – León, Valencia and Alicante in April 2022.. With that, I had the pleasure of witnessing three levels of this centuries-old Spanish tribute to the Passion of Jesus Christ. In León, I saw the … Read More

Mi corazón sagrado

Essay and photos by Andrea Otáñez LEÓN, Spain–As I sat down to pick through the hundreds of photos I had taken during a four-hour follow of a Semana Semana procession, this text dinged from one of my favorite Catholics: Did I make a mistake by staying in León with the families and the abuelas standing … Read More