Theory courses create important focus on theoretical frameworks in the study of communication. These courses are designed to provide advanced instruction in theory, emphasizing knowledge and learning that enables students to understand the systems of ideas that are foundational to communication studies. This requirement does not apply to JPIC majors.
Course descriptions may be found on the Course Catalog page.
Please read the Department’s statement on internet resource requirements for access to courses.
COM 302 The Cultural Impact of Information Technology
COM 303 Social Effects of Technology and Social Media
COM 325 Communication, Cities, and Sustainability
COM 332 Classical Rhetorical Theory
COM 333 Contemporary Rhetorical Theory
COM 373 Group Communication*
COM 375 Communication Ethics
COM 376 Nonverbal Communication
COM 377 Organizational Communication
COM 378 Social Approaches to Interpersonal Communication
COM 389 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media
COM 414 Mass Media and Public Opinion
COM 418 Communication and the Environment
COM 434 Argumentation Theory
COM 444 Public Relations and Society
COM 452 Crisis Communications
COM 468 Media Ethics
COM 472 Empirical Approaches to Interpersonal Communication
COM 481 Online Communities
COM 482 Interpersonal Media
COM 483 Communication Approaches to the Study of War
COM 484 Cultural Codes in Communication
COM 486 Communication and Culture in Rome: Study Abroad
COM 488 Race, Gender, and Power in Asian American Media
COM 489 Black Cultural Studies
COM 490 Representing Beyond the Binaries: Mixing Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media
COM 495 Special Topics in Communication (*on a case-by-case basis as decided by advising)
* – Course counts towards either Methods or Theory, not both