Donal Carbaugh

PhD, 1984

Inducted 2005

Donal Carbaugh is Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he has been honored for his outreach, research, and teaching. His research specialties are Environmental Communication and Intercultural Interactions, having received several national or international awards for his research publications in both areas. He has been designated a Distinguished Scholar by the National Communication Association. He is an Old Member of Linacre College, Oxford, recipient of several Fulbright Awards including the Bicentennial Chair and Distinguished Fulbright Professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has lectured all over the world, at the National Academies of Science, served the US Congress’ Office of Technology Assessment, and for a decade provided research support for General Motors; similarly he is advising SRI International in efforts to develop a translation system that is sensitive to cultural variabilities in language, norms, emotions, and nonverbal practices. He is currently involved with an international network of scholars and indigenous peoples concerning the better management of common or public lands such as national parks with his special interests situated in the Amskapi Piikuni (Blackfeet) region of Montana, USA.