Nancy Dick is the Dean of Instruction responsible for Design, Information Technology, and eLearning programs at Lake Washington Institute of Technology in Kirkland, WA. From 1998-2008, she developed and taught theory and technical design-related courses in the college’s Multimedia Design & Production program. Since 2009 she’s led the LWIT’s first baccalaureate program, the Bachelor of Technology in Applied Design (BTAD). This program enables A.A.S. graduates from a variety of disciplines such as digital design, gaming, video/web, mechanical/industrial design and architecture to continue with upper division study of design theory, process and strategy, project/team management, sustainability, and related topics. Students hone their technical and design skills by collaborating on real-world cross-disciplinary projects under faculty supervision. Graduates work at leading Northwest companies as designers, creative directors, and project managers. Nancy graduated from the Master of Communication in Digital Media (MCDM) program in 2008. She was drawn to the program because she wanted to more deeply understand how disruptive innovations were transforming the digital media industry. Her graduate work focused on how to assist faculty transition to computer-mediated instruction, as she leveraged her online classroom teaching experience. Prior to becoming dean she taught faculty-development courses in online instruction on her campus and for Washington’s State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC). She’s an Adobe Certified Instructor and Adobe Education Leader, and works with leading software companies on certification exam development. She’s interested in educational pathways for non-traditional students, with the goal of empowering Washingtonians to further their education, pursue career opportunities, and be well-informed citizens.