While completing an internship is not a requirement for graduating with a major in Communication or Communication: Journalism and Public Interest Communication (JPIC), internships provide a valuable practical experience to prepare you for your career. Below is more information regarding how to obtain optional UW elective credit for your internship through General Studies 350 (GEN ST 350).
What is GEN ST 350 and how do I register?
General Studies 350 (GEN ST 350) is an online course offered through the UW Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center. This course provides the opportunity for students to earn credit for the demonstrated learning derived from an internship. For more information on GEN ST 350, who to contact, and how to register through Handshake, click here.
Enrollment is not guaranteed for this course due to capacity constraints. Students are recommended to plan their internships as early as possible so that they can fill out the Handshake form. Please refer to the CELE Center’s GEN ST 350 page for more information and how to contact their team with any questions.
How do the credits work and apply to my degree?
GEN ST 350 credit counts as general UW elective credit for our COM and JPIC degrees. It does not count towards COM or JPIC major requirements. For more information on how many credits you can enroll in and how many total credits you can earn, click here.
Where can I find internship listings?
Handshake is the UW’s online internship and job database, click here to log on and start your search. For more information on Handshake, click here. Periodically, the COM advising team sends out emails of internship listings to their major-restricted listserv. If you are a COM or JPIC major, keep an eye out for these in your inbox.