Steve Scher is a podcaster, broadcaster, writer, interviewer, and teacher.

Over his long radio career, he received accolades and awards for his incisive coverage of public affairs, breaking news and his beyond-the-headlines approach to issues. His in-depth interviews with award winning authors, political leaders, scientists, artists, and active citizens are noted for their intelligence and sensitivity. His work has been lauded in national publications in articles by Todd Mundt, James Fallows, and Bill McKibben.

He moved into podcasting excited to be part of the social movement that is democratizing access. He is currently Chief Correspondent of the Town Hall Seattle podcast, “In the Moment,” featuring in-depth interviews with authors, artists, and visiting scholars. He has worked with students and adults to bring diverse voices to audiences worldwide.

As a teacher in the industry and in higher education, he helps students develop storytelling skills grounded in creativity, clarity, rigorous fact-checking, and empathy.

He started a high school training program while employed by public radio to provide students with the skills and opportunities to tell their own stories. That program became an integral part of KUOW FM in Seattle with graduates working in the industry around the country.

He has taught interviewing at University of Washington since 2009. He teaches broadcast newswriting at Bellevue College, where, in collaboration with political science professor Tim Jones, he takes students to Ireland for a hands-on, one of a kind reporting experience.

He is a regular contributor to Seattle Magazine, where he writes “Walk Signs,” an ongoing series of stories about Puget Sound neighborhoods.