People gathered on the street in Sierra Leone.
Cooper Inveen (right), past scholarship recipient, covering a protest in Sierra Leone in 2014. Photo courtesy: Inveen

Summer 2024

Applications for Summer 2024 overseas reporter internships are due before midnight on Friday, January 26, 2024. Send them to program director John Tomasic at

Program director John Tomasic and guests will host an information session Friday, January 5, 2024. Details to come.

The Scholarship Programs

The Department of Communication, through the generosity of alumna, places students into journalism internships every summer at overseas English-language news outlets. The scholarship programs provide an exceptional opportunity for students to expand their view of the world and to gain professional international journalism experience on the ground with the benefit of personal and editorial support provided by the Communication Department and its partner news outlets:

Foreign Intrigue scholarships available through alumna generosity, have placed students at outlets that include: 

  • The Japan Times in Tokyo.
  • The Jordan Times in Amman
  • Citizen Matters in Bangalore and Chennai, India
  • Awoko in Freetown, Sierra Leone
  • Coconuts Bangkok in Thailand
  • The Jakarta Globe in Indonesia.

 The program is seeking to partner with outlets in Samoa and Vietnam.

Journalism North American Scholarships, also available through alumna generosity, have placed students at “CIMAC Noticias” in Mexico City. Please note that students selected for this opportunity must speak and write Spanish well.

Submit your application for the international reporting program of your choice to

Taija PerryCook, 2023 scholarship recipient, on a reporting trip in north Jordan, near Al-Ramtha.

Applications must include:

  1. A completed application form.
  2. A resume with names and contact info for 3 references — one of whom should be Com Dept faculty.
  3. Three examples of published journalistic work.
  4. An unofficial UW transcript.

COMPLETED APPLICATIONS DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 2024 | Questions? Contact John Tomasic at

Students accepted to the programs must attend orientation and prep sessions during the winter and spring quarters. Students are expected to contact the host news organization they are matched with to learn more about the outlet and the country where they’ll be working.

Graduating seniors participating in the programs delay graduation until after overseas internships conclude. They may walk at graduation in the spring.

Costs paid by the Department of Communication:

  • Airfare: The Department will provide up to $1500.
  • Housing: The Department will contribute $1500.
  • Tuition: Twelve UW credit hours awarded through the Study Abroad Office.

Student costs:

  • Housing and food: Depending on location, students may spend between $500 and $2,000.
  • Any travel beyond roundtrip to the internship site.
  • Health insurance: UW requires students to purchase health insurance. The cost is approximately $2/day.

Application Timeline:

Jadenne Radoc Cabahug (leaning in, left row, fifth seat), 2023 scholarship recipient, enjoying an Izakaya outing with Japan Times colleagues in Tokyo.
  • Info Session: January 5, 2024.
  • Application Deadline: January 26.
  • Applicant interviews: Late January/early February.
  • Final selections: Mid-February
  • Orientation sessions for selected applicants: Late winter and early spring quarters.

For applicants accepted into the programs:

  • Final interview/initial contact with host organization: February.
  • Register with Study Abroad Office: March.
  • Submit visa applications: March.
  • Make travel arrangements with host organization: March.
  • Meet with Foreign Intrigue program funder: Late spring quarter.
  • Internship: 10 to 12 weeks between June and September.
  • Check-ins: Interns check in weekly during the summer with program director or substitute faculty.
  • Reflection essay: Interns complete reflection essays on their experience in September.
  • Information sessions: Interns join info sessions for incoming applicants the following year.
Mary Murphy, scholarship recipient, with Citizen Matters editorial team in Bangalore, India, summer 2023.