The Alumni Hall of Fame Award is bestowed annually upon a select group of UW Communication graduates. This award is one for lifetime service and achievements for outstanding alumni, who have distinguished themselves over a period of years since graduating from the University of Washington. We are looking for nominees at the pinnacle of their career whose public service has impacted their communities. Through the Hall of Fame, the department honors these outstanding alumni who are making a difference in their careers and in their communities.

You can view the names of the past recipients below (alphabetical by last name)

  • David Ammons
  • J. Anthony Angell           
  • Betsy Wackernagel Bach 
  • Dr. Gerald Baldasty            
  • Pamela L. Banks             
  • Jeff Barr                           
  • David L. Boardman                      
  • Linda Breneman             
  • Rita Brogan       
  • Heather Brooke
  • Sheila Dean Brooks        
  • Karen Bryant                   
  • Donal Carbaugh             
  • Harold E. Carr                 
  • Ron Chew                        
  • Peter Clarke     
  • Dr. Lisa Coutu 
  • Mary Richardson Daheim
  • Suki Dardarian
  • Ann Darling       
  • Nancy Dick        
  • Timothy Egan                  
  • Ron Elgin                          
  • H. Stuart Elway, III                        
  • Dolores H. Eyler              
  • Tinamarie Feil   
  • Margaret M. Fimia
  • Patricia Fisher 
  • Phyllis Fletcher 
  • Micki Flowers                 
  • Patricia Foote                 
  • Colleen Fukui-Sketchley              
  • Wallie V. Funk
  • Frank W. Garred            
  • Lou Gellermann
  • Jack Geraghty   
  • Shelby Collard Gilje        
  • Jack Wallace Gladstone              
  • Jean Godden                   
  • Christine O. Gregoire    
  • Tomas Guillen  
  • Edwin O. Guthman        
  • Joanne R. Harrell
  • Randy Y. Hirokawa 
  • Dr. Evelyn Ho       
  • Jerry Hoeck                     
  • David Horsey                  
  • Lorraine S. Howell                        
  • Evelyn Iritani                   
  • Bruce E. Johansen         
  • Tamar Katriel
  • Robert L. Keatley            
  • Lauren Kessler  
  • James B. King                  
  • Katie King                         
  • Elaine Ikoma Ko              
  • Tom Koenninger            
  • Donald B. Kraft 
  • Morton Lachman
  • Robyn Lattacker- Johnson
  • Sharon Carey LeeMaster
  • Bill Lord             
  • David M. Marriott                        
  • Lori L. Matsukawa                        
  • Robert W. McChesney                
  • Jerilyn S. McIntyre                        
  • Neil L. McReynolds        
  • Robert W. Merry
  • Nate Miles        
  • Kathleen F Miller            
  • Bryan K. Monroe                          
  • Shelley Morrison                          
  • W.J. Mullineaux             
  • Eric Nalder        
  • Hal Newsom     
  • Assunta Ng
  • Jody Deering Nyquist
  • Robert Osborne             
  • E.M. (Eddie) Pasatiempo                           
  • Stanton H. Patty                            
  • F. Michael Peringer        
  • Steve Pool         
  • Alex Quade       
  • Doug Ramsey
  • Ross Reynolds  
  • Norman B. Rice
  • Peter Rinearson
  • Herbert F. Robinson                    
  • Thomas M. Scheidel                     
  • Dolores Estigoy Sibonga              
  • Joseph F. Slate  
  • George Sundborg          
  • Terrance Michael Tazioli
  • Kriss Turner Towner      
  • Mayumi Tsutakawa
  • Ted Van Dyk     
  • George A. Walker                         
  • Maggie Walker               
  • Scott Wilson     
  • Betty Houchin Winfield
  • Donald H. Wulff
  • Harold S. Zimmerman

Do you know of an outstanding Communication Husky who deserves this honor?

Visit our Hall of Fame Nominations page for instructions on how to submit your candidate for consideration.